Sponsoring & Donations
Sponsoring is an integrated part of the bank’s marketing and promotion activities. As a bank, we are primarily interested in innovative ideas / activities aimed at broad sections of the population, with the emphasis on disadvantaged sections.
Our preference is for activities in the following, but not exclusive, areas:
- Recreation (sports and games)
- Amateur sport
- General development & Training
- Art & Culture
- Requests in other areas are evaluated and tested against the bank’s business philosophy.
These guidelines apply to all donation applications to the Surinaamse Volkscredietbank.
Our donation strategy is to make the difference, together with charitable organizations, among communities, especially in those areas where we as a bank are active, or intend to carry out our services.
Our goal is to ensure that our charitable partners have sustainable sources of funding and use their donor funds responsibly. That is why the greatest possible care and responsibility is taken into account in the assessment.
The selection process includes a full assessment of your organization’s objective as well as your financial information and governance practices.
Our preference goes to:
- Charities registered in our country.
- Projects or programs that take place in the environment where the VCB is physically present or intends to offer its services.
- Social programs whose results are measurable.
- Requests in other areas are evaluated and tested against the bank’s business philosophy.
The VCB does not donate and sponsor:
- activities and programs of private foundations
- activities and programs with a primary / mainly commercial purpose
- activities and programs that explicitly exclude other groups
- activities and programs that can disrupt the solidarity of the various population groups in any form
- festivities / outings that do not have an educational character.
When assessing donations and sponsoring requests, account is taken of the following:
- the organization must be able to demonstrate that it has the capacity and the (other) required finances to realize the intended purpose
- programs and projects must be in line with the donation / sponsorship strategy of the VCB
- the unique character of the program / project
- results of any previously executed programs / projects
- the financial management of the organization.
The amount of the sponsorship or the donation
Taking into account the budget of the bank reserved for this purpose, efforts will be made to accommodate as many organizations as possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible to meet all requests. Of course if the criteria are met. The bank will strive to allocate no more than 5% of its budgeted budget to an activity of 1 organization.
To apply for a sponsoring or donation, it is important to know that you will have to meet the criteria as indicated earlier.
In any case, it is important that your request must include the following information:
- a short description of your organization including history, goals and performance delivered so far
- a brief overview of the project for which sponsoring or donation is requested (max. 2 A4 sheets)
- a project budget with expected costs and possible income.
All sponsoring/donation letters must be addressed to the director/management of the Surinaamse Volkscredietbank. Applications that do not meet this requirement will not be processed.